Congratulations to Schulich Medicine & Dentistry learners, Sheyla Abdic, Saumik Biswas and Gordon Ngo, who were named as be part of the sixth cohort of Western's Medical Innovation Fellowship (MIF) program.
- Feature: Learning the art of tackling the wicked
- Research News: Poor sleep linked to multiple chronic conditions
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- Research News: Improving outcomes for patients with sciatica
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- 銀河英雄傳說 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书:2021-6-9 · 概要 背景设定为人类生存圈扩展到全銀河系的未来时空。 由於財富帶來糜爛,人們對政治失去信心,漸漸疏於履行民主之義務,野心家趁機奪權,重回專制體制,建立「銀河帝國」。 不滿帝制的人民展開逃亡,成立自由行星同盟。从此兩國互相爭戰达150多年,加上夾在中間之强大经济体——獨立 ...
- Tuesday, August 4
Academic Coaching Program - Tuesday, August 11
Small Group Facilitation for Virtual and In-person Learning - Thursday, August 13
CANCELLED: See the Line - Thursday, August 13
Creating Interactive Large Group Sessions - Wednesday, August 19
5th Annual Clinician Scientist Trainee Symposium - Wednesday, August 19
Small Group Facilitation for Virtual and In-person Learning - Saturday, August 22
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Drs. Wael Haddara and Nabil Sultan say that the success or failure of the battle against COVID-19 will not only be determined by material readiness, but also by character, both of individuals as well as the collective.